بسبب المؤسسة العسكرية Because of military establishment

المؤسسة العسكرية

اصبحنا يتامى
بسببك حرمنا من الاخوة
بسببك لم نعرف معنى حنان الاب
بسببك لم نعش كأطفال عاديين بدون نقص
بسببك لم نأكل مما كنا نشتهي
بسببك حرمنا من الحلوى والالعاب
بسببك لباسنا كان رثا
بسببك كنا ننظر للاخرين من الاطفال بحسد وغيرة وحقد
بسببك كنا نفرح لكلمة ابني ولو من رجل لا نعرفه
بسببك لم نعرف شيئ اسمه التخييم او الاصطياف
بسببك كنا نرقع كل شيئ من لباس ونعال واحدية
بسببك كنا نفرح ان سمح لنا احد بركوب سيارة او دراجة 
بسببك ولجنا الدراسة بشكل مخجل ونحن لا نلبس لباسا جديدا
بسببك حملنا كتبنا بسلال الخظر وبسلال كرة القدم وصيكان البلاستيك
بسببك كنا نهرب من حفلات المدرسة خجلا من حالنا
بسببك نحس بالغبن عندما يسألنا الاستاذ عن ولي الامر
بسببك حرمنا من حصص الرياضة لعجزنا عن توفير ملابسها
بسببك كنا نقطع المسافات للوصول للمدرسة
بسببك عجزنا عن مواصلة الدراسة مع العلم اننا اذكياء 
بسببك عشنا التشرد 
بسببك حرمنا من حقنا في العيش الكريم
بسببك عشنا البطالة ونحن ننظر لغيرنا مما حصلو على عمل بصفة او اخرى
بسببك تائهين في الدنيا 
بسببك كرهنا انفسنا
بسببك ها نحن نفقد روح الوطنية
يوما ما سنحاسبكم بلا رحمة
Military establishment

Because of you
We became orphans
Because of you we are deprived of brothers
Because of you, we did not know the meaning of Hanan's father
Because of you, we did not live as normal children without shortage
Because of you, we did not eat what we wanted
Because of you we were deprived of sweets and games
Because of you our clothes were ruthless
Because of you, we looked at other children with envy, jealousy and hatred
Because of you, we rejoice at the word of my son, even of a man whom we do not know
Because of you, we did not know anything about camping or summer
Because of you, we used to patch everything from one dress and slippers
Because of you, we would rejoice if we were allowed to ride a car or a bicycle
Because of you, we studied with shame and we do not wear new clothes
Because of you, we carried our books with baskets of dagger and football baskets and plastic sikan
Because of you, we were running away from school parties ashamed of our situation
Because of you, we feel ashamed of what is asking us to refrain from the guardian
Because of you we were deprived of sports rations for our inability to provide her clothes
Because of you we were cutting distances to reach the school
Because of you, we were unable to continue studying knowing we were smart
Because of you we lived homelessness
Because of you we have been deprived of our right to a decent life
Because of you, we lived in unemployment, and we look at others who have jobs in one way or another
Because you are lost in this world
Because of you, we hated ourselves
Because of you we lose the spirit of patriotism
Someday we will judge you mercilessly
                                    Son of the martyr of the desert war

                                    محمد عا لي هيا عضو الجمعية الوطنية لأسر شهداء ومفقودي واسرى الصحراء المغربية